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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

It's a 3 Yr. Old!!!

We received and accepted the referral for our little girl yesterday-- yeah!!!! She is 3 yrs. old, healthy & absolutely beautiful!!! We are unable to email or post her picture and name until everything goes through court & she is legally ours! They are in the process of getting the court date scheduled right now, which will hopefully take place in the next 4-8 weeks. Once we have "passed" court, we then travel there shortly after to pick her up & bring her home! We are sooo happy & excited and can't wait to bring her home to meet her new family & friends :)


  1. Nice - Congrats! Keep us updated!

  2. Mommy and Daddy Rams! We are so happy for you! You are going to be the best parents! Time to get busy on a care package!
    -Joy, Andy, and Max

  3. Congrats guys; that phenomenal! Your hearts must be a racin'!

  4. Wonderful news! Congrats! Can't wait to meet her and have the kids play together.


  5. Such phenominal news!! We are so happy for you guys and wish you all the best!! What an amazing journey you are beginning-- it doesn't get much better than this!!

    All Our Love,
    Meg, Mike and Lily

  6. Congrats! That's such exciting news. I'm so glad for the two of you. I hope everything goes smoothly and you have your little angel at home with you soon.


  7. Congrats Erin & Patrick!!!
    Great and Exciting News. You two will be awesome parents!

    Uncle Tom & Aunt Pat

  8. Our prayers for one another worked;) CONGRATS I could not be more excited for the two of you! This little girl is the luckiest girl to have the two of you as parents! Sorry we missed each other yesterday.. I want all the details! Again congrats! XOXOXOXOX Tara

  9. Fantastic news! What a fun summer this will be for the 3 of you!

  10. That is so exciting! Congratulations you guys- we are so happy for you!

    Love, Amy, Matt, Luke and Ella

  11. Congrats Erin and Pat!! That is so exciting. We look forward to meeting her! Ava too. :)

    Love, The Guidicis

  12. So great to meet you guys this afternoon! Best of luck to you in your journey. Hope you get to your precious girl real soon!

